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Manufacturing site
Products are manufactured by proprietary processes in our manufacturing site where quality control starts from receipt of raw material till dispatch of finished goods. This is ensured by:
- Validation of processes before regular production.
- Raw material dispensing in controlled environment under HEPA filters for quality tests approval.
- Adherence to men and material movement as per cGMP requirement.
- Production in clean rooms which confirm to ISO class 8 with cGMP standard equipments.
- Purified water is used for equipment cleaning.
- Proper validated cleaning protocols to avoid cross contamination during product change over.

The company emphasizes on reducing burden on environment thereby maintaining natural biodiversity and also focuses on safety of its human resources, hence the manufacturing facility has proper demarkation of green belt, gas fired utilities are used to avoid air pollution, proper fire fighting arrangements are in place and an in-house ETP/STP system along with Multi Effect Evaporator is installed making it a ZLD facility.

Indian manufacturer